RC Glider

RC Glider

A typical RC Glider uses no form of propulsion other than Mother Nature why not visit, Airsoft RC Tank herself. Their continued flight depends solely on the pilot's ability to locate adequate thermal pockets of air have a look at, RC Military Jeep or a slope with a decent wind. If neither is found then an RC Glider will plummet to the ground within minutes. RC Glider flying therefore takes patience and skill have a look at, RC Build and the odd repair , RC Helicopter Glow Engines job to your aircraft.

Controlling an RC Glider

RC GLIDER planes are also commonly known as sailplanes. Simply put, they sail through the air have a look at, RC Tow Truck with the help of a rudder, an elevator and on more advanced models a couple of ailerons. So for example:

- A 2-channel RC Glider will have a rudder and an elevator. This is the most basic type of glider available and is perfect for beginners. The rudder changes why not visit, Turbine RC Models the glider's direction while the elevator adjusts its altitude (you need to be in a thermal pocket to go up though).
- A 3-channel RC Glider is slightly more advanced and has the added support of an aileron on each wing. These help the glider to turn in a tight circle, so staying in a thermal for longer.
- A 4-channel RC Glider may have the fourth channel dedicated to wing flaps. Alternatively it may control the electric why not visit, RC Boat Hobby motor if the glider has one. Wing flaps are an advanced addition, the purpose of which is to help the pilot land the glider without causing any damage.

The powered RC Glider debate

Occasionally an RC Glider has a small electric why not visit, RC Army Truck motor and propeller fitted to help with launching and flying. Some say that these models aren't true gliders whereas others maintain they are because the engine can be disabled once in the air. look at, HET RC Models

This type of glider is very useful when initially learning to fly. The motor means that it can be launched by hand before being taken up to a decent height. Once in the air also see, Old Robot Toys the RC Glider motor can then be turned off and keeping it airborne becomes the job of the pilot. If a thermal pocket can't be located within a short space of time the engine can be restarted before the glider hits the floor. consider, Smartech RC Cars ..a handy backup for a novice flyer.

Finding Thermals

Thermals can be difficult to locate until you get the hang of your RC GLIDER. Generally speaking however all gliders should fly along a perfectly straight course with no hands on the controls. If the model doesn't then the rudder, elevator and ailerons if present need to be tweaked, (technically termed 'trimmed') until the glider does fly in a straight line.

A perfectly trimmed glider will turn slightly off course when it enters a thermal current, because of the warm uplift that the thermal provides. An experienced pilot will be able to detect this and remain in the thermal for an extended flight time. There are others ways of detecting thermals however this is the easiest to grasp for beginners.

The beauty of an RC Glider

Gliders are possibly the most majestic and relaxing type of RC aircraft. Even so, they shouldn't be considered boring. They are generally slower than powered model planes but this often gives you much more time to react to a problem. They are easy to control (2 and 3 channel), are highly manoeuvrable and can perform aerobatics with the best of the helicopters. So the only question remaining is why wouldn't you want an RC Glider?

RC Electric Assist Glider

    RC Free Flight Gliders

      RC Sailplanes

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        RC Slope Gliders

          RC Thermal Gliders

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