RC Robots

RC Robots

RC Robots are without doubt one of the easiest ways to start off in the world of RC Hobby models. The simplest RC Robots come ready to use, and can be controlled by pretty much anyone who gives it a go. Most RC Robots can be classified according to their nature why not visit, RC Boating e.g. humanoid, animal, dinosaur etc. and some even transform from one form to another for added fun. So how do you go about choosing the right RC Robot for you?

Decide what you want it to do

If you want a walking, talking RC Robot then the obvious choice is a humanoid form. You can get basic models that walk look at, RC Model Boats Kits on command from around $20 but if you want an advanced model that can be programmed to walk, checkout, Types of RC Robots talk, dance and even play soccer then you're looking more at $300-350. These RC Robot models are top of the range though and some contain upwards of 20 servos throughout their body...most of which are in their legs.

An alternative to simple RC Humanoids is to buy a RC Robot car. These fun models can be transformed from humanoid to car in a few seconds, and both forms are controlled by the same transmitter. Again, RC Robot cars range from basic ready to roll models through to advanced forms that require building why not visit, RC Helicopter Parts and programming before they can be ‘played with'.

RC Robot animals also look at, RC 4WD Cars are also a fun choice, especially if you purchase a high end model that offers very realistic movements. Today you can get dogs, checkout, RC Super Cub Planes cats, also see, RC Vehicle mice, spiders, bats, birds why not visit, RC Model Boats Kits and numerous other forms, so there shouldn't be any trouble finding one to suit your needs. As with the humanoid RC Robots, the control mechanisms range from very basic RC 2-3 Channel Radio up to RC 8+ Channel, however these advanced models can be hard to control for novice modellers.

RC Robots with artificial intelligence

For true enthusiasts there are the RC Robots that display some level of artificial intelligence. checkout, Types of RC Robots One such model is based on K9 from the Doctor Who television series while others take the form of dinosaurs. These advanced RC Robots can detect motion, stationary objects, light, , RC Boating sound and different surface textures and react to them in a specific way. Again, these models are expensive but they are considered the most realistic RC Robots available.

Entering competitions

As with most other forms of RC model, there are various competitions and tournaments for RC Robots. Generally speaking you will need to have built your own model and programmed it from scratch to be eligible to enter, but this is worth doing if you have the time, money and technical ability.

Normally a competition will specify what types of RC Robot can be entered so that interested parties can build one to suit. Specifications can include things like:

• Maximum and minimum size
• Maximum and minimum number of channels
• Form i.e. humanoid, animal, RC Dinosaur, transformer etc.
• Abilities e.g. must be able to perform dance moves, must be able to traverse different terrains, must be able to pick up objects and deliver them safely to their destination etc.
• Construction materials

As with most other aspects of Radio Controlled Modelling, competitions range from enthusiastic amateurs through to true, dedicated professionals. This means you can start entering with the first RC Robot you build if you want.

Getting started

If you're new to RC Robots then it might be worth buying a ready to roll model first, just until you get the hang of the basic controls i.e. walking, turning, reversing etc. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to buy a basic model, but it might help to practice and try the hobby out before spending hundreds of dollars building checkout, RC Aerial Photography your own RC Robot.

How to build a RC Robot

RC All Terrain Robot

RC Battle Robot

RC Dancing Robot

RC Fighter Robot

RC Flying Robot

RC Humanoids

RC Mini Robot

RC Robot Manufacturers

RC Robot Parts

RC Robots - General

RC Shooting Robot

RC Toy Robot

Next >> How to build a RC Robot

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