RC Nitro Jeep

RC Nitro Jeeps: Great Prices vs. Supreme Performance

There's nothing quite like taking your Jeep off road to enjoy some trail-blazing, unless it's taking your RC Nitro Jeep out for some high-energy, outdoor have a look at, Radio Controlled Boat fun of its own. With the different types and styles of RC Jeeps it's easier than ever to start hitting the trails. So, what makes the RC Nitro Jeep a better choice than its electric try, RC Toy Boat (EP) or gas also look at, RC Warship powered (GP) counterparts? There are several differences among them, price and performance being the biggest. But is the Nitro Jeep really worth it?

Which price is right for your RC Nitro Jeep?

You may be thinking the RC Nitro Jeep will cost a fortune, but it might not be as pricey as you think. R-T-R, or ready to run, models are comparable in price to some of their high end electric checkout, RC Boat Plans counterparts, so you won't be sacrificing by choosing a nitro powered Jeep. Most R-T-R models range in price from $200-$500. In addition to your Jeep you'll need a few items to keep running in peak condition. Fuel would be the first on the list. RC nitro fuel can be purchased in hobby stores or online. why not visit, RC Mini Boat It can also be purchased in two different sizes, quarts and gallons. Quarts come in many different brands and varying prices. Glow fuel is one of the most popular fuel choices for RC Nitro Jeeps. Most range in price from $7.99-$14.99 per quart.

If you think quart size bottles won't be enough to fuel your nitro powered engines, then the gallon size is for you. Depending on the grade of fuel you purchase prices range from $18.50-$31.50 per gallon. Just like other small engines you will need a gas-oil mixture; luckily there are many brands that have pre-mixed gallons of gas-oil mixture. On top of fuel cost there is also tuning and repairs have a look at, RC Police Boats that your RC Nitro Jeep will need. Because of the high speeds it can reach, crashes can become costly. Replacement parts will need to be purchased when any damage occurs from a wreck. Keeping your RC Nitro Jeep in tip-top shape will also take tuning. This will require special tools, have a look at, RC Cars which can also be found at hobby stores and online. why not visit, RC Caterpillar Starter kits can be purchased for around $24.99.

Will your RC Nitro Jeep perform above and beyond?

The power try, RC Mining Truck behind the RC Nitro Jeep is what sets it apart from other RC vehicles. Even though the RC Jeeps are a fraction of the size of the original they handle just the same. Handling on the Nitro Jeep is even better than some of their EP counterparts. Not only do they have the look and handling of the real thing, they also sound like a real Jeep. Since the RC Nitro Jeeps have an actual 2-stroke motor they have the same engine revving sounds as their big brothers. Since the RC Nitro Jeep is fuelled by nitro they can reach greater speeds than either the EP or GP models.

Nitro Jeeps also get their max power look at, Kids Toy Robots at higher speeds, which means you'll be able to blast through the dirt and over rocks at fantastic speeds. Another great aspect of the RC Nitro Jeep is the quick refuelling time. When you've got an empty gas tank, also look at, Electric Airplanes it's a quick fix. Just pop open the tank, have a look at, RC Toy Boat refuel, and get back out on the track. EP models can take 1-8 hours to charge and start driving again, no one wants to wait that long. The RC Nitro Jeep can be back in driving condition in moments. You also don't have to take breaks to let the engine cool down. The oil in the gas-oil mixture that fuels the Jeep is a big part of keeping the engine from over-heating. Another factor in cooling is the air , Electrifly around the vehicle, being able to reach great speeds helps move more air also look at, RC Gasoline Powered Cars around the engine, and that means you don't have to stop your racing just to keep your engine cool. But probably the easiest and most important way to keep your RC Nitro Jeep running in its best condition is to tune it.

In comparing price to performance, it would seem like price could be the deciding factor. Though with fuel, oil, and maintenance expense it is a large investment up front, it is a better investment over time. If you take care of your RC Nitro Jeep it will give you hours of outdoor why not visit, RC Gas Boat fun. Just imagine the looks of envy you'll get from your friends and competitors as you pass their EP RC vehicles, leaving them in your nitro-fueled dust as they wait to recharge their batteries.

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