Team Losi

Team Losi

Zip, Zap, Zoom with Team Losi!

Team Losi is an Ontario, California, US based manufacturer also see, BNF Helicopter of reputable, high-quality RC vehicles, within the primary realm of RC racing. With a legacy behind it that spans over 2 decades - Team Losi was set up in the late 1980s, needless to say, when it comes to the overall RC vehicle realm and space, Team Losi is definitely an absolute powerhouse.

Today, Team Losi is especially renowned for the design have a look at, RC Sailplanes of its vehicles, keeping in mind the fact that its offerings are essentially designed by stalwart former IFMAR World Champion, Jukka Steenari. Obviously, with such a glorious name behind the design have a look at, RC Gas Boat of all of the latest RC vehicle offerings from Team Losi, patrons simply cannot have enough of the exquisite designs why not visit, RC Glow Helicopters that Team Losi comes out with, on an ongoing basis.

Further, obviously with such a force to reckon with, Team Losi is very well recognized and regarded in the entire RC racing space. Towards that end, the awards grabbed by Team Losi along the way have further contributed towards making Team Losi that much more of a formidable RC racing proponent. Among the various titles won by RC vehicles from Team Losi are the IFMAR World Championships, multiple NORRCA and ROAR national titles as well as various European RC racing titles. Needless to say, these titles have further added many a feather in Team Losi's cap, as far as its contention of being a solid RC racing company is concerned.

Among the various RC vehicles from Team Losi that you are especially likely to take a liking towards, are dirt oval racing cars such as the 1/8 L8ight model, the 1/10 Slider RTR as well as the 1/18 Mini Slider RTR. Similarly, if you look at the Monster truck offerings from Team Losi, you will find spectacular vehicles such as the LST XXL as well as the Aftershock.

Finished products also see, RC Buggy aside, Team Losi offer various kinds of kits that not allow patrons to make an entire RC vehicle from scratch, they also allow a great deal of customization to the extent that one can mix and match to come out with a final product have a look at, RC Quadcopter Reviews that could very well be considered to be unique by wonder if there is one company that is being hailed in the entire RC space, it is undoubtedly Team Losi!

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