RC Flying

RC Flying is often referred to as an art form. It takes patience, dedication and just a little bit of skill consider, RC Boat Jet to learn the basics, but once you do master them you'll find you never stop learning. The world of RC Flying is continually expanding and today you can fly anything from a micro RC helicopter through to a powered B-52 airplane with a 30 foot wing span. You'll quickly find your RC Flying niche, and it's probable that you have a particular type of aircraft in mind already, but if you're still in the process of deciding read on...
RC Blimps
RC Blimps are seen by many professional model aircraft pilots as a bit of a novelty. They are however fantastic for beginners, simply because of their slow speeds and the fact that they're virtually indestructible. Normally flown indoors, try, Losi RC Cars these helium filled balloons come in all shapes and sizes and are great for learning some basic transmitter controls of RC Flying.
RC Glider
The range of RC Glider models available today is to say the least extensive. There are however several basic models designed specifically for beginner RC Flying pilots, the majority of which have only a few controls to concentrate on. The main drawback of RC Flying gliders is that because they are un-powered you need to consider your launch method, which often adds to the price of the model. You can of course buy or construct an RC Glider with a built in micro-motor and simply launch it from your hand.
RC Helicopter
RC Flying doesn't get much more complex than when it comes to helicopters, and this is especially true when 3D helicopters are considered. This doesn't mean to say that you shouldn't have a go though! You can easily start with a micro RC Helicopter that costs very little before progressing to the more adventurous models. Once you master the basics of taking off, hovering and landing the rest is relatively simple...and boy can you impress your friends with your RC Flying skills. look at, RC Model - General
RC Plane
The term RC Plane generally refers to powered airplanes i.e. they have some form of propulsion to get them airborne and to keep them there. This is probably the most popular type of RC Flying, simply because of the enormous variety of available aircraft. Most come ready to fly (RTF) although some of the more advanced RC Plane models require some final assembly and the installation of the radio system and power checkout, RC Airplane Kits system before they behave perfectly (almost ready to fly or ARTF). In fact, real RC Flying enthusiasts often turn to constructing their own aircrafts given a few years in the hobby.
RC Aerial Photography
Three of the four types of RC Flying mentioned above are perfect for a spot of RC Aerial Photography, whether it be for nature try, RC Fighter Robot and wildlife , Hangar 9 RC Models purposes or for spying on the neighbours! RC Blimps, Gliders and Helicopters are all suitable for mounting a micro-camera, and because they are all capable of moving through the air , RC Glow Cars in a smooth manner they are perfect for getting great photos or short films. Micro-cameras aren't expensive and can add a whole new dimension to your RC Flying days.
So, now you know a little bit more about the different aspects of RC Flying it's time to take the plunge and have a go. It's probably wise to start with something small, easy to control and inexpensive...just in case your initial excitement gets the better of you and you inadvertently crash it into a wall, why not visit, Giant RC Tank or a tree checkout, RC Toys or the ground etc. Even experienced pilots crash at one time or another so don't despair if you do - very few people naturally master the art of RC Flying.
RC Aerial Photography
RC Blimps
RC Glider
RC Helicopter
RC Plane
![]() RC Robots are without doubt one of the easiest ways to start off in the world of RC models. The simp |
![]() Successfully flying a RC 3D Helicopter is probably the most difficult thing to master in the world o |
![]() The subject of RC Boats is, to say the very least huge, however the majority of models on the market |
![]() RC Flying is often referred to as an art form. It takes patience, dedication and just a little bit o |
![]() In this section of our website, we will be looking at some of the general aspects, related to or ass |